Things are good now; that wind hasn't arrived yet. It hasn't said its name out loud, followed by "No funny stuff," to which you think, What in the world is this wind trying to prove? Why me? It's not there yet...you're fine, watching Sports Center, maybe flipping past PBS or CNN, then Fox, just to see what's up. Or, you've been at Fox the whole time, flipping to MSNBC, just to see what's going on. Either way, you might pass by an update on FIFA, all the trouble they're in. That's a storm that keeps building each and every day around their walls - large, comforting walls that are well insulated with the latest technology on such things...with fire places that would make Harry Truman proud, and FDR, and Ronald Reagan...a real man's fire place; the kind you can have earth-changing discussions around, with pipes. Don't forget the pipes. "I don't want to cause a stir," said Sepp Blatter on not attending the Women's FIFA World Cup in Canada, afraid he might get arrested on Canadian soil, which has an extradition agreement with their southern neighbor, the friendly group of people, currently headed at one end by Loretta Lynch, of the US Department of Justice, intent on getting Blatter to trial, to make amends for the "wrong" he is accused of doing. Not to mention his cohorts, the former FIFA Executives who've been outed in public as the money laundering, back-rooming, cash-hand-off types they are...arrested in Switzerland on that famous morning earlier this year. Their time is idle, waiting for the clock to tick on their fate, whatever that may be from the arms of justice led by Miss Lynch, the FBI and IRS. Things keep progressing in aberrant ways contrary to the wishes of Blatter, recently suspended by FIFA. "About time," so many fans have murmured.
Not to mention the possible fate of Russia 2018 being stripped from Putin's control. Parts of Ukraine are at odds with other parts, thanks to a Russian intervention, siding up, splitting things down the middle, or in jagged edges; any which way but normal. Common opinion assumes political misbehavior by Russia (with overwhelming aggression so near to the Cup) will cause a re-vote for World Cup 2018, as most think should be the case, anyway. "How illegitimate it was!" people are saying. "Let's re-vote!" They cheated and never should have gotten it, is the thought Lynch has to prove, with time ticking away at her clock. It would be a grave cost to the Russian people, their pride, their economy for a summer if this were to happen. Many critics say the economic boom is a paper-tiger, giving a small boost, maybe, but leaving no longterm job security in place; another topic for another time. How could it actually come to be? Save your thoughts on FIFA, as things will move on. For now, it, the World Cup, will be in Russia. Right where the vote put it.